DAO IPCI Spanish Community

Hi guys,

We have created the DAO IPCI Spanish Community (ipci.io) in telegram and medium for all spanish-speaking people in the world:

Introduction: daoipciespanol.medium.com/comunidad-en-espa%C3%B1ol-de-dao-ipci-36642c7a99ee (spanish)

DAO IPCI Message to the Community 2020/2021: daoipciespanol.medium.com/mensaje-de-dao-ipci-a-la-comunidad-2020-2021-6f0d1283d6a3 (spanish)

DAO IPCI Blockchain Roadmap 2021: daoipciespanol.medium.com/dao-ipci-blockchain-roadmap-2021-2b4cf38688cf (spanish)

Many thanks to Aleksey Shadrin and @EnsRationis for allowing to create the community…

Greetings from Buenos Aires, Argentina! :robot: :seedling: