Hi guys!
My name is Ashraf, I am a Computer Engineering student at the National University of Singapore!
Recently I managed to connect a Mars Curiosity Rover and decided to share my thoughts and experience on this process. As the whole process is stated on the wiki page, I won’t rewrite it here, but will share some problems I had with connecting the Rover. I attach the link for those who have not seen it yet:
The process is not that easy for those who never worked with robotics frameworks, but if you devote some time into it - you will do it.
This is the trouble I had with connecting and managed to solve, hope that will help you to run your own simulation.
I managed to catkin build the ros packages and started a local network on the robonomics portal. Then I needed to copy the address and key into the config.config file after creating an account and I couldn’t get the address from the downloaded file. Then I figured that when you create an account on the portal, there is a window “seed frase”, and a side menu, where you have to change to “raw seed” and then you will get a line of code, and this will be your secret key. This took me some time to figure and I hope my post will be helpful.
I loved the concept of integrating blockchain into robots and decided to do my finals with Robonomics.network.
Am I the only one who faced this problem?
What shall I do to launch my own simulations?