Could you please clarify what value to the business your project brings? Why can’t i use other solutions, AWS for example.
Hi @JeremyWide ! This is Sergei, a software architect of the Robonomics project. Compare Robonomics Web Services and AWS IoT is important to understand what Robonomics brings to IoT market. So, AWS IoT is a cloud with datacenters of one US company, in the case of IBM or Microsoft the same. Robonomics presents connectivity to decentralized “cloud” (Ethereum and Polkadot soon) with truly global access. For example when China companies have a problem with international sales all their customers be in a dangerous zone, because all their IoT devices connected to the cloud. In case if they will use Robonomics to connect IoT devices we will never see a problem with smart things functionality. The second reason to shift from AWS IoT to Robonomics is cybersecurity - Ethereum and Polkadot networks present thousands of independent validators over the planet and the market capitalization of this network not bad - 45 bln $ETH and 4 bln $DOT = in result our devices under decentralized cloud control with next level of cybersecurity. And last but not least - economy of robots. When your devices under Ethereum control you have access to cryptocurrencies (money directly touchable by robots accounts) and smart contracts (services which can be done robotics autonomosly), so this point futurtistic but my prediction we will see all of that in 202x